Lastest Update: Saturday 14th August 2004 @ 2150hrs ' By: Houston a.k.a MsToh/NiTeWaLkEr

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Thursday, August 12, 2004

.: 一瞬间的笑 :. 

haha.. just read mel's bloggie.. nic say touch my ur tt phrase "where all girls have gone" or sumthing lidat.. lol.. ne way.. me is not as nice as u think la.. dun praise.. me = simple guy which will nv get sad.. if u think i'm sad.. its not.. its just bcuz i'm too shag.. or too sian.. lol.. no 1 has eva seen me sad b4.. oni saw me angry b4.. lol.. so dun anihow say i sad ok.. as for now.. 朋友就好,不需要做情侣。免得大家都麻烦,害她考不好;而我又变成了一个罪人。我已经是一个了。不希望当个更罪的一个人。ne way.. now going to blog things related to my title of my post.. song bo..

今天,我本来是约好 mel 跟 nic 下午四点。但,我迟到了。原因是因为我约好继杨拿报纸子给他。但是,他却迟到了。咳... 那时我一肚子火。不是因为他迟到;而是怪我自各没约早点儿的时间。我发了简讯给她。她的回答是如冰水把我肚子里的那把火给浇灭了。在接下来的感觉是如此的奇妙。这种感觉是无法形容;无人能体会到的。我笑了。就那瞬间,我笑了。就一句话弄得我心情放松,笑了起来。可是我的微笑只长达两秒钟。脑海里浮现了一个问题。当她收到我发的简讯,关心地叫她多休息多喝水(因为她今天不舒服),她又一样喜出望外吗?我的笑容也就这样一瞬间的没了。


Monday, August 09, 2004

.: ShOcKiNg :. 

today is a shocking day fer me.. suddenly shock tio from alot of stuff i heard today.. lol.. nic got 7 ex.. lol.. pro as compared to me.. i oni got 1.. which.... i'm happy w/ it.. got good memories.. wish her happiness.. she got a new guy which will protect her from lightning, from all the fear she has.. and cure her constant headache when she's tired.. ne way.. i already see through alot of things liao.. cuz of the shocking day.. i'll do sum chinese write up.. cuz i'm so damn bored..


男人啊男人... 为何脑海里只有“性”这个念头。我真为男人失望,彻底的失望。因为性,你们可以随随便便交个女朋友。那是对的吗?那只有让全世界的女人伤透了心。因为“性男人”,这世界会有多少无辜的女孩去堕胎;白白杀了新的生命;白白杀了无辜的孩子们。男人啊男人!我们真可恶!在此再读我 blog 的男人... 请不要为性而交女朋友;但为爱交女朋友。


Sunday, August 08, 2004

.: 等 :. 

等。一个人能等多久?一个人的耐性又可等多久?一个人的心又能等多久?那谁又会等?而那“被”等的人又在等谁呢?等是好事坏?等是酸或甜?等又是苦或辣?为何人要等?为爱?为所需的东西?为名誉?要等的东西十分多。多如沙粒;多如水... 我的朋友... 你们又在等什么?她又在等什么?我又在等什么?


Saturday, August 07, 2004

.: 开心的一天 :. 

decided to blog in eg since my previous entry was a chinese 1.. lol.. ne way.. today.. oh no.. shud say ytd.. ya ytd.. the ooi paper is so easy that i actually easily wrote 3 pages for the last question.. amazing i can write so much.. cuz since i starting my education life i dun write so much in english.. ne way.. mel went talking crap abt hving a double date.. i was like.. erm -,-'' but ne way.. went to watch the village w/ jess n mel n blah blah.. (keeping it low for mel.. =p) then mel they all keep whispering.. most prob abt me.. tt was like... lame.. cuz me n jess oni norm frens only ma..

but actually the village is a freaking lame show.. dun watch it.. trust me.. even if u guys wannna watch it.. go princess cinema at bedok.. lol.. or u can just dl it on irc or wad so eva.. just dun spend 8+ watching tt show.. u'll regret.. haha..

during the movie was so damn funny... i wasnt chua tio.. i know jess got chua tio.. she like jump up of her seat when tt red guy n the sound effect BOOM together.. the show quite lame la actually.. plot just sux.. i dunno y ppl say is nice.. its 0310.. n i'm still onlie blogging.. thinking of stuff.. eating my fav bread with kaya n peanut butter spread.. status now is zombie.. mind status is heck care.. studies 1st... 感情的事,慢慢来吧。我也不想影响到她;我也因此不想影响到我自己。到最后还是会浮现很多烦恼;很多的难题;很多的悲与伤。很多很多很多..... 她是吗?她与我只是普通朋友。但她真的是吗?